Thursday, February 12, 2009

Obama's Inauguration

 I watched Barack Obama's Inauguration an it was hilarious! He messed up so bad! I was laughing really hard. My whole school watched the inauguration live on the internet. I myself particularly am not a fan of Barack Obama. He says he's going to change all these things. He also says he  is going to lower taxes. I don't see how he is going to do that. He wants to increase teacher's salary's and use money money money. He's going to have to take that money from us, the people. That would obviously cause our taxes to raise! So I just found his inauguration funny.

Michael Phelps and A-Rod

I think that the newspaper journalists do go a little too far when it comes to professional athletes. I think what A-Rod did was totally against the rules and not fair. Its not fair because steroids make you stronger and that definitely benefits your ability to play baseball. Not everyone in the MLB can or does take steroids. But What Michael phelps did didn't benefit him in his sport at all. If anything marijuana  would decrease your ability to swim faster. Drugs are Drugs but marijuana is one of the less serious one because you cannot overdose on it. Michael Phelps got caught doing something illegal but was more personal then A-Rods. A-Rods wasn't illegal but his pertained to breaking the rules of his sport.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I don't know what it is but I have had three people that I am very good friends with commit suicide. They all did it the same way. I just don't get it. I mean nothing is never to bad that u need to end your life. There is always a better choice. Even if your going to prison for life, or someone in your immediate family dies it is always better to live another day. Each day is a gift from God. It just feels like everyone around me and my family is hanging themselves. People just need to think about who'd they hurt by doing it. If you have a friend you worried about just be with them. Nobody commits suicide with somebody else in the room. R.I.P Mike Haggaman, R.I.P Mike Brubaker, R.I.P Shelby Webb.

Housing Crisis

Housing crisis' can be very stressful and depressing if you don't take care of them. I don't think the government should help any more than what they are already doing. It a house owners responsibility to make sure their job will make them enough money to pay rent, utilities etc.  Loans are a useful to help control and maintain house problems. I have had to move because the rent was to high in a bad time. Don't let it get to the point where u have to leave and your out on your own with nowhere to stay. If you see it coming prepare and look for a new place whether you go from house to apartment or apartment to house.