Monday, April 27, 2009

I think that was a good example for the most part! I would have used a different example of gossip than the priest. I would have used a forrest wild fire in representing gossip. I hate gossip! Everybody thinks im a bad kid that just drinks a carpload of alcohol and for some reason thinks i do drugs alot! I dont get why every body judges me and then spreads their judgement on me?


I think the Holocaust was a horrible tragedy in history. The Jews were tortured in the most horrid ways. Sometimes they were put threw woodchippers feet first. There were lots of executions. Concentration camps were full of familys! Little kids and olerly people too. It was a sad time in the era of the Holocaust. The Nazi's were viscious people for being able to torture the jews sooo brootaly.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I am doing the genre project right now. I am kind of behind a little but its coming along. Zamzar is killing me. Its so slow! The genre I chose was reggae. I listen to reggae a lot so this genre fits me. My favorite artists are all Jamaican. Bob Marley, Burning Spear, and Joggo. I like redemption song by Bob Marley. It talks about slavery and religion in it. I like House of Reggae by Burning Spear. By Joggo i like Beware.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Service Project

The service project that I have done is work in the kitchen with Ms. Madarrely. I did this during freshman year. Everyday I would eat lunch then when the bell rang i would go to the kitchen then wash my hands. After I cleaned up I would help with the dishes. I got to work with Bryan in the kitchen all the time. That was always exciting. I would also deliver fries and make peanut butter and jelly's. I had to restock the drinks and get things out of the freezer. Ms. Madarrely was always nice. The lunch ladies were hysterical. I think I'm doing it my Jr. year too. I got 60 hours done last year. It was a half an hour a day because home room is a half an hour long. All in all it was pretty fun.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Jake Roberts On Drew O.

I totally agree with drew. I think we should be able to say whatever we want. I think its hilarious. Mason Alwan transferred to Richwoods and when Notre Dame High School played Richwoods High School we cheered on just Mason when ever he got the ball. We ended up stomping Richwoods that game. But back to the point. I think we, Irish Nation, should be able to get as hype as we want. Yeah yeah some language isn't appropriate but its high school its going to happen either way and there's no point in trying to stop it. The whole thing with deans monitoring us in the crowd was an epic failure. 

Friday, March 6, 2009

Natalie Lucas On Vice Versa

I agree with Natalie. Music at the dances is pretty bad. I choose to not go to the dances because I don't have the money. I also don't go to the dances because if you ask someone then your limited to dancing with just one person. If I went I would want to go dance with as many girls as possible! I also don't go to the dance because of parties! When all the kids are at the school I'm cruising with my bro's around Peoria. I start partying at about 5:30 and stop at like 2:30. Heheheh that was Rachel Thompson. She's me bestest friend ever.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well i don't know what else to type so peace out homies! Jake and Rachel! Yay!

Natalie Lucas On Music

I agree with Natalie Lucas on music as an anti drug. I am constantly listening to music. I listen to in before school when I wake up, before the bell, in second hour, in homeroom, in lunch, in computers class, in physical education, and in behind the wheel after school. I take my Ipod everywhere I go. My favorite genres of music are hardcore, rap, and alternative. Country is YUCK!
Natalie has very good taste in alternative music. I also like Dashboard Confessionals. I would fill in The Maine for Mayday Parade. All in all I would definitely say that music is my life.